Zh Spawn Selector

Zh Spawn Selector

The Spawn Selector feature allows players to choose where their character appears in the game, whether from standard spawn points or custom locations.


  • Add more location
  • Custom location like personal property
  • Smooth Camera movement


-- Default configuration setting
Config.Default = 'harbour'
-- Configuring different spawn locations
Config.spawns = {
    ['harbour'] = { -- Harbour spawn
        label  = 'Harbour', 
        description = 'Harbour Location',
        coords = vec4(-746.5240, -1286.9004, 18.1261, 229.9520), -- Coord for spawn
        point  = vec3(-726.5360, -1303.2379, 5.1019), -- Camera look-at point coordinates
        image = './images/harbour.png', -- Image representing the location
        icon = 'Sailboat' -- Icon associated with the location
    ['airport'] = { -- Airport spawn
        label  = 'Airport',
        description = 'Airport Location',
        coords = vec4(-1019.8279, -2701.0479, 32.5290, 154.0629), -- Coord for spawn
        point  = vec3(-1037.7335, -2737.2827, 20.1693), -- Camera look-at point coordinates
        image = './images/airport.png', -- Image representing the location
        icon = 'Plane' -- Icon associated with the location